coddoc is a jsdoc parsing library. Coddoc is different in that it is easily extensible by allowing users to
add tag and code parsers through the use of coddoc.addTagHandler and coddoc.addCodeHandler.
coddoc also parses source code to be used in APIs.
Coddoc also supports the generation of markdown and html through the use of different templates. Currently
the templates use Handlebars but you may use any templating engine
you wish
JSDoc tags currently supported are:
- augments|extends : extend an object
- lends : document all members of an anonymous object as members of a declared symbol
- namespace : document a namespace
- parameter|param|arg|argument : parameters of a function
- return|returns : return value of a function
- memberof|memberOf : explicitly document a cod block as a member of an object
- name : explicitly document the name of a symbol
- constructor|constructs : document a symbol as a constructor for a class
- class : documents a symbol as a class
- classdesc : alternate way to add a description to a class
- example : document an example/s of a symbol
- private : document a symbol as private.
- ignore : allows you to document a symbol but ignore it in parsing
- method|function : explicily document a symbol as a method
- field : explicily document a symbol as a field
- type : document the type of a field
- default : document the default value of a field
- throws|throw|exception : document any exception thrown by a method
- property : document a property in the constructor declaration of a class
- borrows : document any filed/methods borrowed from a class
- constant|const : document a field as a constant
- desc|description : alternate way to explicitly document the description of a symbol
- public:explicitly document a symbol as public
Coddoc Tags
Coddoc also has a few additional tags.
npm install coddoc
npm install -g coddoc
Down doc does not currently create multi file docs instead will output to a single file. You may however implement
your own formatter to create multiple files.
Command line options
- -d --directory : the directory that contains your code
- [-f --formatter] : optional formatter to use, if not specified then a JSON object of the symbols will
be output
- [-p --pattern] : optional file pattern to use when searching for files
JSON output
coddoc -d ./lib > symbols.json
To use the markdown formatter
coddoc -d ./lib -f markdown >
To use the HTML formatter
coddoc -d ./lib -f html > index.html
To use pragmatically
var coddoc = require("coddoc");
var tree = coddoc.parse({directory : __dirname + "/lib"});
var classes = tree.classes, namespaces = tree.namespaces;
//do something
Code: git clone git://