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The core package defines a QueryService which is used to query and modify records.


The following methods are defined on the QueryService


Query for multiple records, with a filter, paging and sorting.


  • query: Query<DTO> - The query to filter, page, and sort results.


An array of DTOs


Find a record by its id.


  • id: string | number - The id of the record to find


The DTO or undefined


  • get a record by its id or return a rejected promise with a NotFound error.


  • id: string | number - The id of the record to find


The DTO or a NotFoundException.


Create multiple records.


  • items: DeepPartial<DTO>[] - An array of partial DTOs to persist


The saved DTOs.


Create a single DTO.


  • item: DeepPartial<DTO> - A partial of the DTO to persist


The saved DTO


Update multiple records based on a filter.


  • update: DeepPartial<DTO> - The update to apply
  • filter: Filter<DTO> - A Filter used to find the records to update


An object with the updatedCount


UpdatedCount may be 0 if the database does not return the number of rows updated.


Update a single record.


  • id: string | number - The id of the record to update
  • update: DeepPartial<DTO> - The update to apply


The updated DTO


Delete multiple records.


  • filter: Filter<DTO> - The filter to find the records to delete.


An object with a deletedCount field.


deletedCount may be 0 if the database does not return the number of rows deleted.



Delete a single record.


  • id: number | string




Performs an aggregate query, supported aggregate functions are groupBy, count, sum, avg, min, and max


  • filter: Filter<DTO> - Additional filter to apply
  • aggregate: AggregateQuery<DTO> - The aggregate query

Example AggregateQuery

{  count: ['id'],  sum: ['priority'],  avg: ['priority'],  min: ['id', 'title'],  max: ['id', 'title']}


An array of aggregate responses.

Example AggregateResponse

[  {    count: { id: 5 },    sum: { id: 10 },    avg: { id: 2.5 },    min: {id: 1, title: 'A Title'},    max: {id: 4, title: 'Z Title'}  }]


Count the number of records that match the filter


  • filter: Filter<DTO> - The filter a count records by


A count of records that match the filter


Query for relations


  • RelationClass: Class<Relation> - The Class type of the relation
  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • dto: DTO | DTO[] - The dto(s) to find the relations for.
  • query: Query<Relation> - Additional query to use when querying for relations.


If querying for relations for a single DTO an array of relations will be returned. If querying for relations for multiple DTOs a map where the key is the DTO and the value is the relations for the DTO.


Performs an aggregate query for the relations of a DTO.


  • RelationClass: Class<Relation> - The Class type of the relation
  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • dto: DTO | DTO[] - The dto(s) to aggregate the relations for.
  • filter: Filter<Relation> - A filter to apply when aggregating relations
  • aggregate: AggregateQuery<Relation> - The aggregateQuery for the relations


If aggregating relations for a single DTO an AggregateResponse for the dtos relations will be returned If aggregating relations for multiple DTOs a map where the key is the DTO and the value is the AggregateResponse for the dtos relations.


Counts the number of relations.


  • RelationClass: Class<Relation> - The Class type of the relation
  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • dto: DTO | DTO[] - The dto(s) to count the relations for.
  • filter: Filter<Relation>- A filter to apply when counting relations


If counting relations for a single DTO the relation count will be returned If counting relations for multiple DTOs a map where the key is the DTO and the value is relation count for the dtos relations.


Find a single relation for the DTO(s).


  • RelationClass: Class<Relation> - The Class type of the relation
  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • dto: DTO | DTO[] - The dto(s) to find the relation for.
  • opts?: FindRelationOptions<Relation> - Additional options to find a relation by.


If finding a relation for a single DTO the relation or undefineding returned If finding a relation for multiple DTOs a map where the key is the DTO and the value is the relation or undefined.


Adds relations to a DTO


  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • id: string | number - The id of the DTO to add the relations to
  • relationIds: (string | number)[] - The ids of the relations to add
  • opts?: ModifyRelationOptions<DTO, Relation> - Additional options apply when adding relations


The DTO the relations were added to.


Sets relations on a DTO


  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • id: string | number - The id of the DTO to add the relations to
  • relationIds: (string | number)[] - The ids of the relations to set. If the relationIds is empty the all relations will be removed.
  • opts?: ModifyRelationOptions<DTO, Relation> - Additional options apply when adding relations


The DTO the relations were added to.


Set a relation on a DTO


  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • id: string | number - The id of the DTO to add the relations to
  • relationId: string | number - The id of the relation to set on the DTO
  • opts?: ModifyRelationOptions<DTO, Relation> - Additional options apply when setting the relation


The DTO the relation was set on.


Removes multiple relations from a DTO


  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • id: string | number - The id of the DTO to remove the relations from.
  • relationIds: (string | number)[] - The ids of the relations to remove
  • opts?: ModifyRelationOptions<DTO, Relation> - Additional options to apply when removing relations


The DTO the relations were removed from


Remove a relation from a DTO


  • relationName: string - The name of the relation
  • id: string | number - The id of the DTO to remove the relation from.
  • relationId: string | number - The id of the relation to remove
  • opts?: ModifyRelationOptions<DTO, Relation> - Additional options to apply when removing the relation.


The DTO the relation was removed from.

Service Helpers#

You can create your own service to use with the CRUDResolver as long as it implements the QueryService interface.

There are a number of persistence QueryServices that are provided out of the box.

In addition to the persistence QueryServices @nestjs-query/core provides a few helper services that can be used for more complex use cases.

When designing the base services we have chosen composition over inheritance. This approach lends itself well to modeling complex services without repeating yourself.


The RelationQueryService was originally designed for federation, but has proven itself useful in representing virtual relations. A virtual relation(s) is anything that can be queried through a query service.

To create additional relations through a RelationQueryService you need to provide the following

  • A QueryService that can be used to fetch the relation
  • A query function that accepts the parent DTO to fetch the relation for and returns a Query to fetch the relations.

Relations defined using the RelationQueryService are readonly!

When a relation query method is called it will:

  • First check if the relation is a virtual relation, if true it will invoke the query option to generate a query that will be passed to the queryService to fetch the relations.
  • If the relation is not a virtual relation it will proxy to the original query service to query for the relation.

For example, we could wrap the TodoItem query service and add a completedSubTasks relation.

import { InjectQueryService, QueryService, RelationQueryService } from '@nestjs-query/core';import { TodoItemEntity } from './todo-item.entity';import { SubTaskEntity } from '../sub-task/sub-task.entity';
export class TodoItemService extends RelationQueryService<TodoItemEntity> {  constructor(    @InjectQueryService(TodoItemEntity) queryService: QueryService<TodoItemEntity>,    @InjectQueryService(SubTaskEntity) subTaskQueryService: QueryService<SubTaskEntity>,  ) {    // provide the original query service so all relations defined in the ORM work    super(queryService, {      // specify the virtual relations      completedSubTasks: {        // provide the service that will be used to query the relation        service: subTaskQueryService,        // the query method accepts a todoItem that can be used to filter the relations        query(todoItem) {          // filter for all relations that belong to the todoItem and are completed          return { filter: { todoItemId: { eq: }, completed: { is: true } } };        },      },    });  }}

Once the relation is defined in the query service we can add it to our DTO to expose it in our schema.

import { FilterableField, IDField, FilterableConnection, KeySet } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { ObjectType, ID, GraphQLISODateTime, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { SubTaskDTO } from '../../sub-task/dto/sub-task.dto';
@ObjectType('TodoItem')@KeySet(['id'])@FilterableConnection('subTasks', () => SubTaskDTO, { disableRemove: true })@FilterableConnection('completedSubTasks', () => SubTaskDTO, {  // disable remove and update because it is a virtual relation  disableRemove: true,  disableUpdate: true,})export class TodoItemDTO {  @IDField(() => ID)  id!: number;
  @FilterableField()  title!: string;
  @FilterableField({ nullable: true })  description?: string;
  @FilterableField()  completed!: boolean;
  @FilterableField(() => GraphQLISODateTime)  created!: Date;
  @FilterableField(() => GraphQLISODateTime)  updated!: Date;}

Next we need to export the SubTask query service from the SubTaskModule so we can resolve it in the TodoItemService.

import { NestjsQueryGraphQLModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-typeorm';import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';import { SubTaskDTO } from './dto/sub-task.dto';import { SubTaskEntity } from './sub-task.entity';
// define the persistence module so it can be exportedconst nestjsQueryTypeOrmModule = NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule.forFeature([SubTaskEntity]);
@Module({  imports: [    NestjsQueryGraphQLModule.forFeature({      // import it in the graphql module      imports: [nestjsQueryTypeOrmModule],      resolvers: [        {          DTOClass: SubTaskDTO,          EntityClass: SubTaskEntity,        },      ],    }),    // import it into the subTaskModule so it can be exported    nestjsQueryTypeOrmModule,  ],  // export the persistence module so it can be used by the TodoItemService  exports: [nestjsQueryTypeOrmModule],})export class SubTaskModule {}

Now we can import the SubTaskModule into the TodoItemModule so the SubTask query service can be injected into the TodoItemService.

import { NestjsQueryGraphQLModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-typeorm';import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';import { TodoItemAssembler } from './todo-item.assembler';import { TodoItemEntity } from './todo-item.entity';import { TodoItemResolver } from './todo-item.resolver';import { TodoItemService } from './todo-item.service';import { SubTaskModule } from '../sub-task/sub-task.module';
@Module({  providers: [TodoItemResolver],  imports: [    NestjsQueryGraphQLModule.forFeature({      // import the persistence module for the TodoItemEntity and the SubTaskModule      imports: [NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule.forFeature([TodoItemEntity]), SubTaskModule],      services: [TodoItemService],      assemblers: [TodoItemAssembler],      resolvers: [        {          DTOClass: TodoItemDTO,          ServiceClass: TodoItemService,        },      ],    }),  ],})export class TodoItemModule {}

The completedSubTasks relation is now available in your graphql schema.


The ProxyQueryService is a query service that delegates to another query service. The ProxyQueryService can be used when you want to override certain methods of a query service without extending it.

This class is used internally by the RelationQueryService to override the relation methods for a QueryService

Lets use the ProxyQueryService to create a generic query service that will time and log a message everytime a create, update, or delete method is called.

To start lets define a MutationLoggerQueryService.

import { Logger, LoggerService } from '@nestjs/common';import { DeepPartial } from '../common';import { Filter, DeleteManyResponse, DeleteOneOptions, UpdateManyResponse, UpdateOneOptions } from '../interfaces';import { ProxyQueryService } from './proxy-query.service';import { QueryService } from './query.service';
export class MutationLoggerQueryService<DTO, C = DeepPartial<DTO>, U = DeepPartial<DTO>> extends ProxyQueryService<  DTO,  C,  U> {  private readonly logger: LoggerService;
  constructor(label: string, queryService: QueryService<DTO, C, U>) {    // call super witht the QueryService we will delegate to    super(queryService);    // create our logger    this.logger = new Logger(label);  }
  // Override all the create, update, and delete methods to add the timed logging functionality  createMany(items: C[]): Promise<DTO[]> {    return this.timedLog(`create many [itemCount=${items.length}]`, () => super.createMany(items));  }
  createOne(item: C): Promise<DTO> {    return this.timedLog(`create one`, () => super.createOne(item));  }
  deleteMany(filter: Filter<DTO>): Promise<DeleteManyResponse> {    return this.timedLog(`delete many`, () => super.deleteMany(filter));  }
  deleteOne(id: number | string, opts?: DeleteOneOptions<DTO>): Promise<DTO> {    return this.timedLog(`delete one [id=${id}]`, () => super.deleteOne(id, opts));  }
  updateMany(update: U, filter: Filter<DTO>): Promise<UpdateManyResponse> {    return this.timedLog('update many', () => super.updateMany(update, filter));  }
  updateOne(id: string | number, update: U, opts?: UpdateOneOptions<DTO>): Promise<DTO> {    return this.timedLog(`update one [id=${id}]`, () => super.updateOne(id, update, opts));  }
  private async timedLog<T>(message, fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {    const start = new Date();    const result = await fn();    const duration = start.getTime() - new Date().getTime();    this.logger.log(`${message} [duration=${duration}]`);    return result;  }}

We can now add timed logging to any query service.

Lets add it to our TodoItemQueryService

import { InjectQueryService, QueryService } from '@nestjs-query/core';import { MutationLoggerQueryService } from '../utilities/mutation-logger-query.service';import { TodoItemEntity } from './todo-item.entity';
@QueryService(TodoItemEntity)export class TodoItemService extends MutationLoggerQueryService<TodoItemEntity> {  constructor(@InjectQueryService(TodoItemEntity) service: QueryService<TodoItemEntity>) {    // provide the logger name and the service    super(, service);  }}

Don't forget to use your custom query service in your module

import { NestjsQueryGraphQLModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs-query/query-typeorm';import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';import { TodoItemEntity } from './todo-item.entity';import { TodoItemService } from './todo-item.service';
@Module({  imports: [    NestjsQueryGraphQLModule.forFeature({      imports: [NestjsQueryTypeOrmModule.forFeature([TodoItemEntity])],      services: [TodoItemService],      resolvers: [        {          DTOClass: TodoItemDTO,          ServiceClass: TodoItemService,        },      ],    }),  ],})export class TodoItemModule {}


The no-op query service is one that will throw a NotImplementedException for every method.

This is commonly used during testing when you want to mock out a service.

You can also use the NoOpQueryService as a base a new query service that only supports a subset of operations.

In this example we'll create a simple query service that stores elements in an array but does not support relations or aggregations.

import {  applyFilter,  applyQuery,  DeleteManyResponse,  DeleteOneOptions,  Filter,  FindByIdOptions,  GetByIdOptions,  NoOpQueryService,  Query,  QueryService,  UpdateManyResponse,  UpdateOneOptions,} from '@nestjs-query/core';import { NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';import { TodoItemEntity } from './todo-item.entity';
@QueryService(TodoItemEntity)export class TodoItemService extends NoOpQueryService<TodoItemEntity> {  private records: TodoItemEntity[];
  constructor() {    super();    this.records = [];  }
  createMany(items: TodoItemEntity[]): Promise<TodoItemEntity[]> {    this.records.push(...items);    return Promise.resolve(items);  }
  createOne(item: TodoItemEntity): Promise<TodoItemEntity> {    this.records.push(item);    return Promise.resolve(item);  }
  async updateMany(update: Partial<TodoItemEntity>, filter: Filter<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<UpdateManyResponse> {    const recordsToUpdate = await this.query({ filter });    recordsToUpdate.forEach((r) => Object.assign(r, update));    return { updatedCount: recordsToUpdate.length };  }
  async updateOne(    id: string | number,    update: Partial<TodoItemEntity>,    opts?: UpdateOneOptions<TodoItemEntity>,  ): Promise<TodoItemEntity> {    const record = await this.getById(id, opts);    return Object.assign(record, update);  }
  async deleteMany(filter: Filter<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<DeleteManyResponse> {    const recordIds = (await this.query({ filter })).map((r) =>;    this.records = this.records.filter((r) => !recordIds.includes(;    return Promise.resolve({ deletedCount: recordIds.length });  }
  async deleteOne(id: number | string, opts?: DeleteOneOptions<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<TodoItemEntity> {    const record = await this.getById(id, opts);    this.records = this.records.filter((r) => !==;    return Promise.resolve(record);  }
  findById(id: string | number, opts?: FindByIdOptions<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<TodoItemEntity | undefined> {    const record = applyFilter(this.records, opts?.filter ?? {}).find((r) => === id);    return Promise.resolve(record);  }
  async getById(id: string | number, opts?: GetByIdOptions<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<TodoItemEntity> {    const record = await this.findById(id, opts);    if (!record) {      throw new NotFoundException(`Unable to find TodoItem with id ${id}`);    }    return record;  }
  query(query: Query<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<TodoItemEntity[]> {    return Promise.resolve(applyQuery(this.records, query));  }
  async count(filter: Filter<TodoItemEntity>): Promise<number> {    const found = await this.query({ filter });    return found.length;  }}