provides a number of types. Most will be automatically generated for you when you create a
resolver. However, you can use many of the types in your own code for custom endpoints.
The following examples are based on the following TodoItemDTO
import { FilterableField, IDField } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { ObjectType, ID, GraphQLISODateTime } from '@nestjs/graphql';
@ObjectType('TodoItem')export class TodoItemDTO { @IDField(() => ID) id!: string;
@FilterableField() title!: string;
@FilterableField() completed!: boolean;
@FilterableField(() => GraphQLISODateTime) created!: Date;
@FilterableField(() => GraphQLISODateTime) updated!: Date;}
QueryArgsTypeArgs type used in read
endpoints to allow filtering
, paging
, and sorting
The QueryArgsType
will generate an ArgsType
that will require the user to provide three arguments.
- A filter that should be used to find records to update. See FilterTypepaging?
- Options to page of result.sorting?
- Optional array to allow sorting of results. See SortType.
Usageimport { QueryArgsType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { ArgsType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@ArgsType()export class TodoItemQuery extends QueryArgsType(TodoItemDTO) {}
ConnectionTypeImplementation of connections. Useful for large result sets where the end user should be able to page through the results.
Usage- Code
- Schema
import { QueryArgsType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
export const TodoItemQueryArgs = QueryArgsType(TodoItemDTO)export const TodoItemConnection = TodoItemQueryArgs.ConnectionType;
scalar ConnectionCursor
type TodoItemConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [TodoItemEdge!]!}
type TodoItemEdge { node: TodoItem! cursor: ConnectionCursor!}
type PageInfo { hasNextPage: Boolean hasPreviousPage: Boolean startCursor: ConnectionCursor endCursor: ConnectionCursor}
UpdateManyResponseTypeResponse from updateMany
Usage- Code
- Schema
import { UpdateManyResponseType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';
export const UpdateManyResponse = UpdateManyResponseType()
type UpdateManyResponse { updatedCount: Int!}
DeleteManyResponseTypeResponse from deleteMany
Usage- Code
- Schema
import { DeleteManyResponseType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';
export const UpdateManyResponse = DeleteManyResponseType()
type DeleteManyResponse { deletedCount: Int!}
FilterTypeGraphQL implementation of the @nestjs-query/core
The FilterType
is dynamically created based on the fields in the DTO
annotated with @FilterableField.
Along with the dynamically create fields filter also has the following static fields:
- Allows for joining multipleFilters
with using anAND
condition.For example, find all todo items that
start with 'Foo' AND end in 'Bar'
.todoItems(filter: { and: [ {title: {like: "Foo%"}}, {title: {like: "%Bar"}}, ]}) { #...select your fields}
- Allows for joining multipleFilters
using anOR
condition.For example, find all todo items that
(are completed AND start with 'Foo') OR (are not completed and end in 'Bar')
.todoItems(filter: { or: [ {title: {eq: "Foo"}, completed: {is: true}}, {title: {eq: "Bar"}, completed: {is: false}}, ]}) { #...select your fields}
- Code
- Schema
import { FilterType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
export const TodoItemFilter = FilterType(TodoItemDTO)
input TodoItemFilter { and: [TodoItemFilter!] or: [TodoItemFilter!] id: IDFilterComparison title: StringFieldComparison completed: BooleanFieldComparison created: DateFieldComparison updated: DateFieldComparison}
input IDFilterComparison { is: Boolean isNot: Boolean eq: ID neq: ID gt: ID gte: ID lt: ID lte: ID like: ID notLike: ID iLike: ID notILike: ID in: [ID!] notIn: [ID!]}
input StringFieldComparison { is: Boolean isNot: Boolean eq: String neq: String gt: String gte: String lt: String lte: String like: String notLike: String iLike: String notILike: String in: [String!] notIn: [String!]}
input BooleanFieldComparison { is: Boolean isNot: Boolean}
input DateFieldComparison { is: Boolean isNot: Boolean eq: DateTime neq: DateTime gt: DateTime gte: DateTime lt: DateTime lte: DateTime in: [DateTime!] notIn: [DateTime!]}
SortTypeThe SortType
allows you to sort results.
NOTE This type is automatically created when using QueryArgsType.
For more comprehensive examples take a look at the Sorting Docs
- The field to sort on. The is an ENUM of @FilterableFields defined in the DTO.direction
- The direction to sort the fieldASC
- On supported storage engines you can specify the null sort orderNULLS_FIRST
- Code
- Schema
import { QueryArgsType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
export const TodoItemQueryArgs = QueryArgsType(TodoItemDTO)export const TodoItemSort = TodoItemQueryArgs.SortType;
input TodoItemSort { field: TodoItemSortFields! direction: SortDirection! nulls: SortNulls}
enum TodoItemSortFields { id title completed created updated}
enum SortDirection { ASC DESC}
CreateOneInputTypeInput type for createOne
NOTE Dont forget to annotate your DTO with @InputType()
from @nestjs/graphql
NOTE Your DTO should be one that you want to use for input. For example you may not want to let the end user to
specify the created
or updated
fields so you would create a new DTO just for input.
Usageimport { CreateOneInputType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType('TodoItemInput')export class TodoItemInputDTO { @IsString() @Field({nullable: true}) title?: string;
@IsBoolean() @Field({nullable: true}) completed?: string;}
@InputType()export class CreateOneTodoItemInput extends CreateOneInputType('todoItem', TodoItemInputDTO) {}
CreateManyInputTypeInput type for createMany
NOTE Dont forget to annotate your DTO with @InputType()
from @nestjs/graphql
NOTE Your DTO should be one that you want to use for input. For example you may not want to let the end user to
specify the created
or updated
fields so you would create a new DTO just for input.
Usageimport { CreateManyInputType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType('TodoItemInput')export class TodoItemInputDTO { @IsString() @Field({nullable: true}) title?: string;
@IsBoolean() @Field({nullable: true}) completed?: string;}
@InputType()export class CreateManyTodoItemsInput extends CreateManyInputType('todoItems', TodoItemInputDTO) {}
UpdateOneInputTypeInputType type for updateOne
The UpdateOneInputType
will generate an InputType
that will require the user to provide two fields.
- The id of the record to updateupdate
- A record with fields to update.
Dont forget to annotate your DTO with @InputType()
from @nestjs/graphql
Your DTO should be one that you want to use for updates. For example you may not want to let the end user to
update the created
or updated
fields so you would create a new DTO just for updates.
Usageimport { UpdateOneInputType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType('TodoItemUpdateInput')export class TodoItemUpdateDTO { @IsOptional() @IsString() @Field({ nullable: true }) title?: string;
@IsOptional() @IsBoolean() @Field({ nullable: true }) completed?: boolean;}
@InputType()export class UpdateOneTodoItemInput extends UpdateOneInputType(TodoItemDTO, TodoItemUpdateDTO) {}
UpdateManyInputTypeInput type for updateMany
The UpdateOneInputType
will generate an InputType
that will require the user to provide two arguments.
- The filter that should be used to find records to update. See FilterTypeupdate
- The update to apply to each record found.
NOTE Dont forget to annotate your DTO with @InputType()
from @nestjs/graphql
NOTE Your DTO should be one that you want to use for input. For example you may not want to let the end user to
specify the created
or updated
fields so you would create a new DTO just for input.
UsageIn this example we use the read DTO for the FilterType, and a different update DTO.
import { CreateOneInputType, FilterType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType('TodoItemUpdate')export class TodoItemUpdateDTO { @IsOptional() @IsString() @Field({ nullable: true }) title?: string;
@IsOptional() @IsBoolean() @Field({ nullable: true }) completed?: boolean;}
@InputType()export class UpdateManyTodoItemsInput extends UpdateManyInputType( TodoItemDTO, // filter TodoItemUpdateDTO // update DTO) {}
DeleteOneInputTypeInputType type for deleteOne
The DeleteOneInputType
will generate an InputType
that will require the user to provide the id of the record to delete.
Usageimport { DeleteOneInputType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType()export class DeleteOneTodoItemInput extends DeleteOneInputType(TodoItemDTO) {}
DeleteManyInputTypeInput type type for deleteMany
The DeleteManyInputType
will generate an InputType
that will require the user to provide:
- A filter used to find records to delete. See FilterType
Usageimport { CreateOneInputType, FilterType } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';import { InputType } from '@nestjs/graphql';import { TodoItemDTO } from './dto/todo-item.dto';
@InputType()export class DeleteManyTodoItemsInput extends DeleteManyInputType(TodoItemDTO) {}